Hodgson has worked as a reporter all over Europe, in India, the Middle East and West Africa, but the main focus of his work has been the United States. He wrote TV documentaries about George Wallace and Ronald Reagan. As a foreign correspondent he wrote about the news of the day, but as a freelance reporter, he mostly focused on race and foreign policy issues.
As a young man, Hodgson had met Martin Luther King, Jr., who later helped him with great generosity. Hodgson was present at all the main confrontations over race in the South and he made a TV documentary about race in New York in the 1970s. He has watched with some discomfort the evolution of American foreign policy from the Kennedy years as the United States became involved in one long-drawn out conflict after another. Many wise Americans helped in his education in this field: one, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, whose biography, The Gentleman From New York, he wrote, became a close personal friend. Hodgson has taught at Harvard, Yale, and other American universities, and lectured frequently in the United States.
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