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(cover: Fruit #1 by Jean Hearst)

Trees: For Shelter and Shade, For Memory and Magic by Charles Fenyvesi (44,000 words, 18 illustrations)

Linking practical neighborly advice to the many cults of tree worship across the globe, Charles Fenyvesi offers an inspiring overview of planting, pruning, and enjoying trees. He pays homage to the immortalized oak and birch as well the controversial qualities of the paulownia (also known as Princess Tree), named after Czar Paul’s daughter, and the catalpa, planted by Frederick the Great in his Potsdam estate and favored by President Thomas Jefferson. For property owners who cry out for the drama of a solitary, singularly expressive specimen or have room for but one tree, this book lists categories such as elegance or informality, longevity or low maintenance, shape or color, character or foliage.

“This book entertains, while teaching each of us how we can better connect with trees, using mind, hands and hearts.” — R. Neil Sampson, Executive Vice President,
American Forestry Association

“Will make all of us take a new look at the stories and pleasures of trees in our lives and landscapes... presented in a series of vignettes that compel you to read, use and plant trees.” — H. Marc Cathey, National Chair, Florist and Nursery Crops Review,
US Department of Agriculture

“Columnist Charles Fenyvesi... makes trees seem as familiar as the families who live on the block... He gives very good advice, and along the way he makes the trees memorable as he discusses them with evident pleasure and knowledge.” — Virginia Greiner, garden columnist,
Washington Times