Jews & The World
Sholom Aleichem
From the Fair
Leo Baeck
The Essence of Judaism
Leonard Baker
Days of Sorrow and Pain: Leo Baeck and the Berlin Jews
Liva Baker
Felix Frankfurter
Joseph Baratz
A Village by the Jordan: The Story of Degania
Bernard Baruch
Baruch: The Public Years
Rachel Yanait Ben-Zvi
Before Golda: Manya Shochat
Kurt Blaukopf
Gustav Mahler
Léon Blum
Souvenirs sur l’Affaire (en français)
Ruth Bondy
The Emissary: A Life of Enzo Sereni
Thomas Neville Bonner
Iconoclast: Abraham Flexner and a Life in Learning
Jean-Denis Bredin
L'Affaire (en français)
The Affair: The Case of Alfred Dreyfus
Richard Breitman
The Architect of Genocide: Himmler and the Final Solution
Michael Burns
France and the Dreyfus Affair: A Documentary History
Philip V. Cannistraro and Brian R. Sullivan
Il Duce’s Other Woman
David C. Cassidy
J. Robert Oppenheimer and the American Century
Lucy S. Dawidowicz
From That Place and Time: A Memoir, 1938-1947
Inge Deutschkron
Outcast: A Jewish Girl in Wartime Berlin
Carl Djerassi
The Pill, Pygmy Chimps, and Degas' Horse
Alfred Döblin
Destiny's Journey
Lois Dubin
The Port Jews of Habsburg Trieste: Absolutist Politics and Enlightenment Culture
Carol Easton
Jacqueline du Pré: A Biography
Amos Elon
Founder: A Portrait of the First Rothschild and His Time
Jerusalem: City of Mirrors
Helen Epstein
A Jewish Athlete: Swimming Against Stereotype in 20th Century Europe
Archivist on a Bicycle: Jiří Fiedler
Joe Papp: An American Life
Meyer Schapiro: Portrait of an Art Historian
Where She Came From
Amos Ettinger
Blind Jump: The Story of Shaike Dan
Charles Fenyvesi
When Angels Fooled the World: Rescuers of Jews in Wartime Hungary
When the World Was Whole: Three Centuries of Memories
Benjamin B. Ferencz
Less Than Slaves: Jewish Forced Labor and the Quest for Compensation
Laura Fermi
Illustrious Immigrants: The Intellectual Migration from Europe, 1930-41
Lisa Fittko
Escape Through the Pyrenees
Harold Flender
Rescue in Denmark
Peter Fraenkel
No Fixed Abode: A Jewish Odyssey to Africa
Otto Robert Frisch
What Little I Remember
Varian Fry
Surrender on Demand
Howard Greenfeld
Ben Shahn: An Artist’s Life
Andrew Grove
Swimming Across
Frederic Grunfeld
Prophets Without Honour: Freud, Kafka, Einstein, and Their World
Sebastian Haffner
Defying Hitler
The Meaning of Hitler
Anthony Heilbut
Exiled in Paradise: German Refugee Artists and Intellectuals in America from the 1930s to the Present
Ernest Heppner
Shanghai Refuge: A Memoir of the World War II Jewish Ghetto
Eva Hoffman
Lost in Translation: A Life in a New Language
Banesh Hoffmann
Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel
J.C. Hurewitz
The Struggle for Palestine
Sheila Isenberg
A Hero of Our Own: The Story of Varian Fry
James Joll
Three Intellectuals in Politics: Blum, Rathenau, Marinetti
Ernest Jones
The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud (abridged by Lionel Trilling and Steven Marcus)
Peter Stephan Jungk
Franz Werfel: A Life in Prague, Vienna, and Hollywood
E.J. Kahn, Jr.
The World of Swope
Egon Erwin Kisch
Sensation Fair: Tales of Prague
Teddy Kollek and Amos Kollek
For Jerusalem: A Life
Heda Margolius Kovály
Under A Cruel Star: A Life in Prague 1941-1968
Prague Farewell (UK edition)
Le premier printemps de Prague (en français)
Peter Kurth
American Cassandra: The Life of Dorothy Thompson
Hillel Levine
In Search of Sugihara: The Elusive Japanese Diplomat Who Risked His Life to Rescue 10,000 Jews From the Holocaust
Hillel Levine and Lawrence Harmon
The Death of an American Jewish Community: A Tragedy of Good Intentions
David Loth
Swope of G.E.: The Story of Gerard Swope and General Electric in American Business
Norman Macrae
John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence, and Much More
Melita Maschmann
Account Rendered: A Dossier on my Former Self
Alpheus Thomas Mason
Brandeis: A Free Man’s Life
Jeffrey Mehlman
Émigré New York: French Intellectuals in Wartime Manhattan, 1940-1944
Albert Memmi
Portrait of a Jew
The Liberation of the Jew
Henry Morgenthau III
Mostly Morgenthaus: A Family History
Frederic Morton
The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait
Bruce Allen Murphy
The Brandeis-Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices
Paul Ornstein with Helen Epstein
Looking Back: Memoir of a Psychoanalyst
Yoel Palgi
Into the Inferno: The Memoir of a Jewish Paratrooper behind Nazi Lines
Patricia Rife
Lise Meitner and the Dawn of the Nuclear Age
John Rigden
Rabi: Scientist and Citizen
Simon Schama
Two Rothschilds and the Land of Israel
Vlasta Schönová
Acting in Terezín
Claudio Segrè
Atoms, Bombs and Eskimo Kisses: A Memoir of Father and Son
Emilio Segrè
A Mind Always in Motion: The Autobiography of Emilio Segrè
Anita Shapira
Berl: The Biography of a Socialist Zionist, Berl Katznelson 1887-1944
Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948
Leo Spitzer
Hotel Bolivia: The Culture of Memory in a Refuge from Nazism
Dietrich Stoltzenberg
Fritz Haber: Chemist, Nobel Laureate, German, Jew
Susan Rubin Suleiman
Budapest Diary: In Search of the Motherbook
Christopher Sykes
Crossroads to Israel
Dorothy Thompson
Listen, Hans
Melvin Urofsky
American Zionism from Herzl to the Holocaust
Claudine Vegh
I Didn’t Say Goodbye
Joseph Wechsberg
The Vienna I Knew: Memories of a European Childhood
Benno Weiser Varon
Professions of a Lucky Jew
Victor Weisskopf
The Joy of Insight: Passions of a Physicist
Simon Wiesenthal
Justice Not Vengeance: Recollections
The Murderers Among Us: The Simon Wiesenthal Memoirs (with Joseph Wechsberg)
Richard Willstätter
From My Life: The Memoirs of Richard Willstätter
Nelly Wilson
Bernard-Lazare: Antisemitism and the problem of Jewish identity in late nineteenth-century France
Robert S. Wistrich
The Jews of Vienna in the Age of Franz Joseph
Charlotte Wolff
Hindsight: An Autobiography
David Wyman
Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis, 1938-1941
The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945
Walter Ziffer
Confronting the Silence: A Holocaust Survivor’s Search for God
Susan Zuccotti
The Holocaust, the French, and the Jews
Stefan Zweig
The World of Yesterday